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EMBRC Report #  6

Class:  B  


Year:   2002          


Season:  Spring                


Month:   May                     


Nearest Town:   Milpitas, CA             


Nearest Road/Hwy:    Jolon Rd. off of Hwy 101     


State, Province:  California                     


County:   Monterey                            


Country:  USA      


Women finds tracks in cave


Location information and directions to site:  Los Padres national Forest. Go through military base.  


What Happened:  After crossing onto national Forest from military base go past the sandstone formation on the left. About 1/2 mile on right side of road there are more sandstone rock formations. The small one with a cave is not visible from the road. Sand and dirt form a walkway up to the small cave. At the time a giant poison oak bush covered the entrance. The path forms an upside down horseshoe trail up and then down. Behind the Poison oak bush is a long narrow over hang. I climbed up the right side and used a stick to move aside the Poison oak. On the floor of the cave is powdery sand. I was looking down an noticed large baby foot prints. I looked for adult prints on the way up and down the trail and found nothing. I thought who would let their baby come up here alone near all this poison oak! I heard a loud ruckus in the bushes but thought it was ground squirrels. I did not smell anything and the only sound was the rattling of the poison oak bush.


Environment and landmarks:   Day, Forest and sandstone formation.

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