Elk Mound
Bigfoot Research Center

British Columbia (Canada)

As the reports come in you will see the numbers by the counties appear showing the number of reports for that county. Only counties with reports will appear in the list. There will be less to search through for you and it will make it easier for you to find what you want. Reports are listed by sighting date not report number.
1924 (Class A) - Albert Ostman account -- Multiple-day encounter with family of Sasquatches, BFRO
March 1934 (Class A) - Old newspaper article (Lima, Ohio) about encounters near Harrison Mills, BFRO
April 1934 (Class A) - Old newspaper article (Fresno Bee) Univ. Calif. students plan expedition to BC, BFRO
July 1934 (Class A) - Old newspaper article (Lincoln Nebraska Journal and Star) near Chehalis Indian Reservation, BFRO
January 1950 - Accounts Of A Native American Family Having Several Encounters With Bigfoot, GCBRO
Early 1950's (Class C) - Camp cook sees a Sasquatch at a logging camp while loggers were away from camp, BFRO
October 1955 (Class A) - William Roe account -- Highway worker has lengthy sighting at close range & records much detail, BFRO
October 1965 (Class A) - Multi-witness road-crossing sighting outside Fort St.John, BFRO
May 1966 (Class A) - Bear hunter sees bigfoot mating, BFRO
August 1966 (Class B) - Possible approach to a camp outside Penticton, BFRO
September 1968 (Class B) - Possible sighting around 2:00AM near Courtenay, BFRO
January 1969 (Class A) - Motorist observes animal cross the road in front of him, BFRO
September about 1969 (Class A) - Memory told of a nighttime sighting while traveling on a mountainside near Rossland, BFRO
Summer 1970 to current (Class A) - Man recollects multiple encounters from 1970 to present near Kootenay, Chadsey & Davis Lakes, BFRO
August 1973 - Camper Encounters Unusual and Unknown Screams in the Night, GCBRO
1973 (Class B) - Strange sounds heard at summer camp; animals reported missing, BFRO
April 1974 (Class A) - Two brothers see and verbally confront upright, walking, hairy creature, BFRO
May 1974 (Class A) - Woman recalls multiple witness daylight sighting on Shawnigan Lake, BFRO
July 1974 (Class A) - Childhood Sighting Near a House in the Okanagan, BFRO
December 1974 (Class B) - Shuswap: Possible tracks in snow ; Possible sighting by child years later, BFRO
June 1976 (Class B) - Large, black creature seen running across road on two legs, BFRO
January 1977 (Class A) - Boys see man-like creature splashing in water, BFRO
August 1977 (Class B) - Lots of tracks found while fishing, BFRO
September 1977 (Class A) - Daylight sighting near Prince George, BFRO
August 1978 - Fleeing from Bigfoot Colony Report, GCBRO
August 1978 (Class A) - Motorists recount incident on the side of a highway near the BC-Alberta border, BFRO
About 1979 (Class B) - Witnesses hear, smell, and feel something large moving & walking right next to them, BFRO
December 1980 (Class A) - Sighting by snowmobilers outside Castlegar, BFRO
July 1980-81? (Class B) - Possible stalking and rock throwing in the Fraser Valley, BFRO
Fall 1981 (Class B) - Possible footprints in the Iron Mountain area, east of Merritt, BFRO
1982 or 1983 (Class B) - Rocks thrown at group of summer campers, BFRO
Summer 1983 (Class B) - Hikers are followed by a 8-10 foot tall black creature, later that night they heard a series of roars, BFRO
August 1983 - Kids see Bigfoot, GCBRO
July 1983 or 84 (Class A) - Children see a Bigfoot while playing near home, BFRO
March 1984 (Class B) - Hiker finds tracks near Kelowna, BFRO
Summer 1984-2003 (Class B) - Numerous incidents near Powell River, BFRO
Summer 1984/85 (Class A) - Early morning sighting by 10 year old child in a backyard tent in the Lower Fraser Valley, BFRO
July 1985 (Class A) - Morning road-crossing sighting by motorist near Revelstoke, BFRO
June 1986 (Class B) - Hikers spot a 9-10 foot tall black creature, and find a possible resting place of the creature, BFRO
August 1986 (Class B) - Possible vocalizations heard in Lumby, BFRO
April 1987 (Class A) - Motorists have daylight sighting near Fort Liard, BFRO
August 1987 (Class A) - Man recalls seeing a Sasquatch near Little Qualicum Falls on Vancouver Island, BFRO
September 1987 - Unusual Screams heard, GCBRO
Spring 87 or 88 (Class A) - Man describes his childhood observation in daylight on a farm outside Langley, BFRO
June 1989 - Passenger in Vehicle Witnesses Bigfoot Cross Road, GCBRO
June 1990 - A Couple of incidents that Involve Possible Sasquatch, GCBRO
May 1991 (Class B) - Possible daylight sighting by hikers on the Stanley Glacier Trail (BC/Alberta border), BFRO
October 1992 (Class A) - Memory told of an inquisitive Sasquatch sighted near Port Hardy, BFRO
January 1993 (Class B) - Forest service technician finds tracks in snow in a very remote area accessible only by helicopter, BFRO
August 1993 (Class A) - Creature observed strolling in the wood, BFRO
October 1993 (Class B) - Possible vocalizations heard by swimmers near Nakusp. Possible tracks found the next day, BFRO
July 1994 (Class C) - Creature seen on a Vancouver Island beach in full daylight, BFRO
April 1995 - Encounter at campground leaves camper unnerved, GCBRO
July 1995 (Class C) - Chris Murphy speaks with some Bella Coola Indians about sightings in the area, BFRO
August 1995 (Class A) - Two men on a canoe trip hear then see 8ft tall Sasquatch at close range, BFRO
September 1995 (Class B) - Hunters find possible indications of habitation outside Hope, BFRO
Fall 1995 (Class C) - Creature seen hiding behind a large boulder, BFRO
November 1995 (Class A) - 8ft tall creature crosses road near Ainsworth Hotsprings, BFRO
January 1996 (Class B) - Large tracks found in snow near home southeast of McBride, BFRO
February 1996 (Class B) - Campers report possible stalking at the north of Harrison Lake, BFRO
June 1996 (Class B) - Mother and child hear roar while lost on Read Island, BFRO
July 1997 (Class B) - Four footprints discovered ranging from 16 - 18 inches long, BFRO
August 1997 (Class B) - Nightime sighting at Bowron Lake campsite, BFRO
March 1998 (Class B) - Possible vocalization heard by camper in Strathcona Provincial Park, BFRO
July 1998-2004 (Class B) - Possible approaches to a boat ramp on Kootenay Lake, BFRO
June 1999 (Class A) - "Tree stump" jumps up and runs away, BFRO
July 1999 (Class B) - Firefighters find footprint in alpine area near Golden, BFRO
September 1999 (Class A) - Camper witnesses animal on two legs climbing up gully east of Hope, south of Hwy 3, near Nicolum Creek, BFRO
September 1999 - Hunter Has Eerie Encounter, GCBRO
Spring 2000 ?? (Class B) - Possible snow tracks found in Skagit Valley south of Hope (w/photos), BFRO
August 2000 (Class B) - Possible stalking at Echo Lake near Campbell River, BFRO
September 2000 (Class B) - Man Finds Tracks in Muskwa River Floodplain, BFRO
March 2001 (Class A) - Daylight sighting by motorist on Hwy 93 about 20 miles east of Radium, BFRO
May 2001 (Class B) - Tall human-like form seen at Chilliwack Lake Provencial Park, BFRO
July 2001 - Travelers find Bigfoot track, GCBRO
August 2001 - Sasquatch tracks seen in remote area, GCBRO
September 2001 (Class B) - Possible rock-knocking heard by hikers near Pitt Lake, BFRO
February 2002 (Class B) - Possible tracks observed on a frozen lake near Invemere, BFRO
August 2002 (Class A) - Late afternoon sighting by camper 14km outside Port Alberni, BFRO
August 2002 (Class B) - Possible rock throwing at Batnuni Lake, BFRO
August 2002 (Class A) - Eight-foot bipedal animal seen crossing road near Tete Jaune Cache, BFRO
October 2002 (Class A) - Woman has a daytime sighting on the North Thompson River, BFRO
December 2002 (Class A) - Night time sighting by motorist on Highway 40 between Gold Bridge and Lillooet, BFRO
February 2003 - Night Watchman Observes Unusual Creature Activity, GCBRO
July 2003 - While Looking For Family Dog, Motorist, Encounters A Bigfoot, GCBRO
November 2003 (Class B) - Unusual call silenced coyotes, frightened dog, BFRO
January 2004 (Class B) - Photographer is "escorted" out of the woods between Osoyoos & Greenwood, BFRO
May 2004 (Class A) - *** UPDATE **** While driving the Coquihalla Highway, man has afternoon sighting near a pond east of Merritt, BFRO
June 2004 (Class B) - Various incidents around Paul Lake Provincial Park outside Kamloops, BFRO
July 2004 (Class A) - Villager Observes a Large, Bipedal Animal in the Kincolith River, BFRO
July 2004 (Class B) - Man has rocks tossed at him while fishing WhiteSwan Lake, BFRO
August 2004 (Class A) - Morning sighting by logging crew near White Swan Lake, BFRO
August 2004 (Class A) - Couple witness a bipedal subject cross road. Later investigate area on their own and find a possible bedding area, BFRO
October 2004 (Class B) - Couple hears back and forth vocalizations, between 5 and 6 a.m., where the Harrison and Chehalis rivers join, BFRO
January 2005 (Class B) - Possible tracks found near Vernon, BFRO
February 2005 (Class A) - Daylight sighting by hikers in the Checakmus area, BFRO
March 2005 (Class A) - Road crossing sighting outside Halfmoon Bay, BFRO
June 2005 (Class A) - Early morning sighting by a trucker on Othello Road, BFRO
June 2005 (Class A) - Night time sightings outside Duncan; Other incidents mentioned, BFRO
August 2005 (Class A) - Motorhome driver reports sighting around 7am near Jasper, BFRO
August 2005 (Class B) - Various incidents on British Columbia Expedition, BFRO
September 2005 (Class B) - Possible footprints found in BC interior, BFRO
October 2005 (Class A) - Various incidents near a possible nest on Vancouver Island, BFRO
October 2005 (Class B) - Possible vocals heard outside Duncan, BFRO
January 2006 (Class A) - BC family sees a possible family group of Sasquatch, BFRO
January 2006 (Class B) - Possible tracks and vocalizations outside Lumby, BFRO
March 2006 (Class B) - Possible knocking heard by hikers in the Chilliwack valley, BFRO
March 2006 (Class B) - Possible vocalizations heard by trucker at Bell Irving rest stop near Meziadin Junction, BFRO
June 2006 (Class B) - Possible vocalizations heard by residents near Lillooet, BFRO
June 2006 (Class A) - Early morning sighting on Vancouver Island near Cowichan Lake, BFRO
July 2006 (Class B) - Possible approach to campers near Chilliwack, BFRO
July 2006 (Class B) - Vocalization heard near Ladysmith, BFRO
August 2006 (Class B) - Possible nest found near Dawson Creek, BFRO
August 2006 (Class B) - Motorists describe boat on trailer being shaken violently at night near Lake Cowichan, BFRO
August 2006 (Class B) - Campers describe rock throwing on Forbush Lake, BFRO
October 2006 (Class B) - Hunter finds possible tracks just off a logging road close to Harrison Lake (w/photos), BFRO
November 2006-2007 (Class A) - Possible sighting at a farm outside Victoria (Vancouver Island), BFRO
January 2007 (Class B) - Strange, tall creature seen crossing the road at Kennedy Lake, BFRO
March 2007 (Class A) - Daylight sighting by motorist on Hwy 4 near Kennedy Lake, BFRO
September 2007 (Class A) - Resting elk hunter smells and sees a Sasquatch near Whiteswan Lake, BFRO
June 2008 (Class B) - Campers describe possible vocalizations and a possible track in Chilliwack Lake Provincial Park (w/photo), BFRO
July 2008 - Sounds and A Sighting Was Observed, GCBRO
August 2008 (Class B) - Rural resident hears prolonged vocals near Lumby, BFRO
August 2008 (Class B) - Campers awakened by unidentified screams near Lumby, BFRO
August 2008 (Class B) - Possible encounter close to the hospital in Smithers, BFRO
November 2008 (Class B) - Possible nighttime sighting of a Sasquatch crossing a road in Nanaimo, BFRO
October 2009 (Class B) - Possible Sasquatch activity reported by a father and his sons near Falkland, BFRO
September 2010 (Class B) - Motorist witnesses a possible daylight highway crossing near Revelstoke, BFRO
June 2011 (Class B) - Possible daylight sighting while collecting firewood near Bowser on Vancouver Island, BFRO
Fall 2011 (Class B) - Possible sighting near Bowser on Vancouver Island, BFRO
June 2012 (Class B) - Woman awoken from her bed by unusual animal call in Chilliwack, BFRO
March 2013 (Class B) - Seasoned outdoors couple hear possible vocalizations while gathering firewood north of Campbell River, BFRO
September 2016 (Class A) - Swedish archaeologist has a clear daylight sighting during BFRO expedition near Harrison Lake, BFRO
February 2018 (Class B) - Late night road crossing at Heffley Lake outside Kamloops, BFRO
August 2019 (Class A) - Daylight sighting by RV motorist just south of Nass River Bridge, BFRO
December 2020 (Class A) - Two motorists sighting of a sasquatch 4 miles south of Silverton BC on Hwy 6 near Slocan Lake, BFRO