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Report Form

This is a possible Russian Bigfoot

If you have had any siting or other experience involving Bigfoot, Please feel free to complete the form below and let us know. All the information you provide will help us in our research. If you also have a sound recording or video you want to share go ahead and send it and we will add it. Please use the Contact Us button below to send us what you have.

If you have any questions about what information will be posted please feel free to use the contact us button below and ask.  Thank you

Your contact information will NOT be displayed on the web site or shared with third parties. (Notice that no other witness's contact information will be displayed on the web site either.) It is needed so that the EMBRC, who may have additional questions about your report, can contact you if necessary.

If you are having problems with the form lets us know with the Contact Us button below so we can get it looked into, Thank you

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