Elk Mound
Bigfoot Research Center

Possible Burials
Bigfoot Burials and Graveyards
Here is something we found that caught our attention. We put it here to give you something to think about. Let us know what you think or if you have seen something that could be one.
Date unknown, modern era: Northern California. A witness saw four Bigfoots carrying bones. The longest bone was up to four feet long. Reported by Ray Crowe.
Date unknown, modern era: Pacific Northwest. A man witnessed three Bigfoots digging a hole with their hands to bury a fourth Bigfoot. Afterward, they rolled rocks on the grave. Reported by Roger Patterson.
Date unknown, modern era: Starkey, Oregon. In the Blue Mountains, Sue Sebring found unusual cobble piles in the forest. Possible Bigfoot graveyard. Reported by Ray Crowe.
Date unknown, modern era: Alder Creek, Sandy, Oregon. East of Portland, Peter Byrne noted an unusual mound of earth along the creek. Reported by Ray Crowe.
1949: Pacific Northwest. A man reported seeing three Bigfoots, two older males and a female, laying a dead young female Bigfoot out on top of a rock on a mountain peak. This is probably the simplest Bigfoot burial, similar to the sky burials of ancient humans. John Green did not believe the story, but looking at other reports, it seems reasonable. Reported by John Green.
1962-1967: Northern Washington state. A man witnessed three Bigfoots burying a fourth one. Reported by Peter Byrne.
After 1972: Klamath Agency, Oregon. A bulldozer driver was building a road in the forest. He ran the road through an area of large stones in a circle 20 feet in diameter, with smaller stones in the middle. The next day, he would come back and all of the stones were replaced in their original positions after he had bulldozed them away. This went on for some time, and eventually, he built the road around the area. Possible Bigfoot burial site. Reported by Vic McDaniel.
Before 1975: Location unknown, probably Pacific Northwest. Three Bigfoots were witnessed digging a hole with their hands to bury a fourth Bigfoot. When the hole was filled in, huge boulders were rolled over the site. Reported by Glen Thomas.
1985: Calapooia River, Oregon. In the Oregon Coast Range, Gold miners found a 50 foot wide area where the tops of all trees had been broken off around the perimeter. In the clearing, there was a deer carcass and two piles of smooth, five inch cobblestones, about 2.5 feet high, separated by 20 feet. The previous night, the miners had been frightened by strange screams and the sounds of breaking trees. They never went back to excavate the area. Possible Bigfoot burial site. Reported by Ray Crowe.
1989: McMinnville, Starkey, Oregon. Scott White found strange piles of rocks in a clearing with smashed trees. Possible Bigfoot burial site. Reported by Ray Crowe.
1990: Estacada, Oregon. East of Portland, a hunter found a dead baby Bigfoot ten feet up in a tree. He reported that it was just a small, furry little thing. He was interested in the tree in the first place due to large scat piles all around it. The dead Bigfoot was buried in the boughs of an evergreen and was covered with covered with other boughs.
The hunter thought that the scat piles were from the mother Bigfoot who had been sitting under the tree mourning the death of her baby. This could be called an “Indian style burial,” as Indians in the Pacific Northwest used to bury their dead up in trees, albeit in caskets.
The hunter called Portland State University and told them he had found a dead baby Bigfoot. They laughed at him and told him that they were not interested in looking at it. After all, Bigfoots don’t exist. The man stuck the baby Bigfoot in his deep freeze, and that’s the last we’ve heard of it. Reported by Ray Nab.
Summer 1992: Estacada, Oregon, near Bagby Hot Springs. A philosophy teacher saw two Bigfoots, either a male and female or two females. There were two young, auburn colored Bigfoots with them. They were in a riverbed, burying another Bigfoot under a pile of stones. They had not dug a hole; they were just burying it with rocks. He stated that the Bigfoots were acting “sad.” The site was rechecked by an investigator one year later, but flooding had washed the stones away, and the site could not be rediscovered. Reported by Ray Crowe.
We see over and over here reports of 3-4 Bigfoots participating in the burial of another, as if it is some kind of a ceremony.
After 1995: Whidbey Island, Washington. Rhett Mullis found large mounds on this island in Puget Sound where there is no history of Indian residence. A large pit had been dug out but had not yet been used. There was a “hallway” along a well-used trail and scat was scattered around. The mounds were covered with large hand-sized rocks. Plants had been pulled up and placed on top of the mounds in order to hide them. Possible Bigfoot graveyard. Reported by Rhett Mullis.
October 21, 2002: Estacada, Oregon. Possible Bigfoot burial grounds consisting of pits and stacks of heavy rocks were found at a high elevation in the Clackamas River Gorge. They could not be Indian burial grounds. Reported by the BFRO.
The story of Paul Seifert's Cave, in which he claimed to have found remains of extinct animals, large human bones, ancient tools, weapons, and other artifacts in 1891, has been a topic of local talk around Gotham and Muscoda for over 90 years. But what is not generally known is the discovery of huge human bones in other areas of Wisconsin, which lend credence to Paul Seifert's claim that he had found a large cavern with the remains of a giant race, which predated the American Indian.
Seifert's cave, which is supposedly in a high bluff on the Wisconsin River between Gotham and Muscoda, first came to public attention as the result of a letter printed in a Viennese paper by S. Lon Wolfgang. In the letter he described how his friend, Paul Seifert, had sent him relics of great antiquity from the United States. Included among the articles were spear and arrow points of copper, quartzite, flint, and obsidian, all of giant size, along with numerous ceremonial objects. Seifert offered that if his friend would visit him he would disclose the secret of where they were found.
The German did so and upon his arrival in Gotham, Wisconsin, was met at the train by Seifert. When the matter of the cave was brought up, Seifert led his friend to it. This was accomplished by climbing to the top of a hill called Bogus Bluff.
After the climb, the two men proceeded some distance back from the face of the hill and then lowered themselves by rope into a crevice indicated by Seifert. They then found themselves on a narrow ledge, which led back into a cave, the floor of which was covered with sand and indicated the possibility on an ancient river bed. Numerous passages led off from the cave and, upon entering one of them, Von Wolfgang was amazed to see a great number of human bones and skulls. Intermingled with them were a large number of battle axes, spears, and arrow points and pottery fragments, all huge in size. Seifert then indicated that although the cave was known to the local Indians, it was not one of their burial grounds, and that it had been there as long as they could recall.
Upon his return to Europe, Von Wolfgang printed another letter in the Vienna Courier relating his experiences. He described the cave as being the final resting place of a lost race.
The area in and around Gotham has a multitude of caves, with the area in question being one of the only well-protected ones from both the weather and enemy attack in the immediate vicinity.
Because he was ridiculed by the local people when he told of his find, Seifert blasted the entrance shut, and all attempts to locate the cave since then have been unsuccessful. If this cavern does indeed hold the remains of a hitherto-unknown race of people, it could be one of the most important finds of the century and well worth further investigation.
The following three incidents lend credence to Paul Seifert's story. In September 1905, two skeletons with thigh bones six inches longer than those of a six-foot man were found in a gravel bed near the town of Forest. These two persons would have been well over seven feet tall in real life.
A short time later, several huge skeletons were found while excavating work was being done on a street in La Crosse.
During the summer of 1881, a story circulated in Pepin County that several large bones, believed to be human, had been found along the Chippewa River near Durand. The skeletal remains were examined by a doctor who claimed they were from an extinct animal. Other opinions were that the bones had belonged to several early French trappers; still another was that they had belonged to a giant race of Indians. While this controversy and examination of the bones led to their becoming lost, the fact remains, that had the persons been still living, they would have been from seven to nine feet in height