Elk Mound
Bigfoot Research Center
Butte County
1970's - Youth recounts family story of rock throwing in Trinity Alps, OB.Com
1978 - Creature seen on a log in a stream, OB.Com
August 1980 (Class A) - Sighting by bow hunter / motorist at 6:30 AM near Butte Creek, BFRO
Spring 1985 (Class B) - Several reports of vocalization sounds, BFRO
1988 - Woman recounts sighting as small child, OB.Com
September 1993 (Class A) - Forestry Worker Observes a Sasquatch in Clear-Cut Near Feather River, BFRO
October 1993 - Girl and boyfriend hear and see creatures "talking" at night, OB.Com
November 1993 - Woman describes seeing two adult creatures communicating, OB.Com
June 1998 - Large tracks found in snow, OB.Com
July 2000 - Family has strange experience while picnicking, OB.Com
September 2002 (Class B) - Campers hear late night "banging" near Oroville, BFRO
July 2003 (Class B) - Mountain driver encounters creature crossing road near Oroville, BFRO
June 2004 (Class B) - At dusk, swimmers hear vocalizations and whistles near Lake Oroville, BFRO also on OB.Com
September 2004 (Class B) - Photographer hears early morning vocalizations near Lake Oroville, BFRO
2006 - Man has feeling of being watched, OB.Com
January 2008 - Strange sounds heard in winter, OB.Com
February 2009 - Couple walking reports sighting and odor, OB.Com