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Clackamas County

1912 - near Estacada, fisherman find tracks, OB.Com

1950's to early 1960's - Boy sees apelike face in window, OBCom

1953 - near Sandy fisherman saw 8` Bigfoot watching him from the edge of a thicket in a canyon on Alder Creek, OB.Com

June 1964 - near Estacada, 4 men saw Bigfoot by lake shore, OB.Com

October 1967 - near Estacada, a man watched 2 adult and a young Bigfoot eating rodents, OB.Com

1968 - Clackams River area - Man watched female Bigfoot eating willow leaves, OB.Com

June 1968 - near Estacada, Man saw Bigfoot with no neck standing on edge of woods, OB.Com

October 1968 - near Estacada, Fisherman was chased back to truck, OB.Com

November 1968 - Clackamas River area, Man studied 2 female Bigfoot while they slept and ate, OB.Com

December 1968 - Clackamas River area, Man sees 9` Bigfoot, OB.Com

1969 - Clackamas River area, Logger saw Bigfoot standing in small lake, OB.Com

May 1970 - Man remembers tracks found in the snow near South Mountain, OB.Com

July 1970 - Forest ranger finds broken trees, "nest", and pile of dead rabbits, OB.Com

1970 - Timothy Lake, Young man in fire tower saw Bigfoot, OB.Com

1970 or 1971 - Screams heard near Clackamas River, OB.Com

June 1971 (Class A) - Nightime sighting by motorists near Boring, BFRO also on OB.Com

August 1972 - Boy smells foul odor, has brief sighting while in back of pickup, OB.Com

April 1973 - near Estacada, Man saw 5` very broad Bigfoot digging at rotten tree stump, OB.Com

August 1973 - Coupland Rd. near Estacada, Man describes boyhood experiences with local creature, OB.Com

1973 - Bigfoot screams near Colton, OB.Com

June 1974 (Class A) - While sitting on a platform, 6 ft.up in a tree, two witnesses watch a cinnamon coloured creature walk by them, BFRO also on OB.Com

September 1974 (Class B) - A camper reports a foul odor and unusual sounds at 2:30 am, then finds numerous tracks at day break, BFRO also on OB.Com

December 1974 - off Henry Creek, Logger sees Bigfoot standing on log, walking around, OB.Com

1975 - Beaver Creek man tells of bait being stolen from trapping lines, OB.Com

May 1977 - Motorist reports sighting in Mt. Hood National Forest, OB.Com

May 1978 - near Carver, Man driving to Estacada sees Bigfoot on road, OB.Com Also on BFRO and GCBRO

1978 (Class B) - Rancher finds a large track while looking around outside at 1:00 am to see what's disturbing his horses, BFRO also on OB.Com

October 1978-79 - Pheasant hunters watch large creature near Molalla River, OB.Com  

1979 - Youth has two sightings after house is ransacked, OB.Com

1979-80 - Teens hear vocalizations, see small grey/white creature swaying side to side, OB.Com

1980 - Clear Creek Campground Bigfoot throws tantrum, scares campers, OB.Com

October 1980 - Dabney State Park, Sandy teens see Bigfoot cross road, OB.Com

1982 (Early 1980`s) - Sandy couple sees grinning (?!) Bigfoot, OB.Com

1982-ish - near Colton, Woman sees Bigfoot standing on hill near home, tracks of 3 individuals found at another residence, OB.Com 

August 1984 (Class A) - Girls see retreating biped near Molalla River, BFRO

1984 - near Colton, Man describes seeing black Bigfoot after deer runs past him, OB.Com

1984 - near ZigZag, Woman sees Bigfoot washing it`s hands, reports a telepathic encounter, OB.Com

June 1987 (Class B) - Couple hears what sounds like a woman screaming, BFRO also on OB.Com

1989 - SE of Estacada man sees Bigfoot run across road, OB.Com

1989 - Girls recount hearing screams at Ripplebrook as a child, OB.Com

September 1989 - Husband and wife have sighting while deep in the wilderness while hiking, OB.Com

1990 - Salmon-Huckleberry Wilderness hikers leave camp in the middle of the night, OB.Com

April 1991 - Molalla Road family sees a white Bigfoot three years in a row around Easter, OB.Com

May 1991 - Upper Clackamas River footprints found, OB.Com

July 1991 (Class B) - Sounds heard at Skookum Lake, BFRO also on OB.Com

January 1992 - Mt. Hood/Govt. Camp Sledders see Bigfoot standing in road, possibly pregnant, next day found 4 miles of tracks, OB.Com

September 1992 - Family has many experiences at the Molalla River area, OB.Com

1992 - Sandy River man sees 3 1/2 foot creature with red eyes, OB.Com

1992 or 1993 - Tracks found near Colton, OB.Com

1993 - 50` of tracks found at channel near Timothy Lake, OB.Com

June 1993 (Class A) - Family is approached near their forest cabin, BFRO

July 1993 - Surprise Lake hairs found, crashing heard n woods, OB.Com

August 1993 (Class B) - A man and woman report smelling a strange, powerful odor while on a forest road late at night, BFRO also on OB.Com

September 1993 - Man finds large tracks while bowhunting, OB.Com

September 1993 to 2003 - Couple has close road-crossing sighting; records vocalizations, OB.COM

December 1993 - Molalla Rd. a dozen tracks found in snow, OB.Com

February 1994 - Goat mutilated; tracks found near Welches, OB.Com

April 1994 - Teen mimicked by a Sasquatch, OB.Com

September 1994 - Wildcat Mountain Road, Strange whistle heard, local dogs disturbed, OB.Com

September 1994 - East of 211 near Colton, Bigfoot sighted in area where hoaxes had occurred, OB.Com

October 1994 - Wood on wood tapping heard on ridge above Molalla River, OB.Com

November 1994 - Bagby Hot Springs trail footprints seen in deep snow, OB.Com

May 1995 - Man sees Bigfoot in camp late at night, hears rock on rock tapping, OB.Com

May 1995 - Skookum Lake campers see large black Bigfoot with glowing yellow eyes, OB.Com

May 1995 - Tree rapping sounds heard at night, OB.Com

June 1995 - Suspicious odor report SE of Estacada, OB.Com 

June 1995 - Man finds skunk cabbage laid out to dry along Molalla River, OB.Com

June 1995 - Tent shaken at Molalla River Camp, OB.Com

July 1995 (Class A) - Camp counselor doing trail work has daylight sighting near the Molalla River, BFRO also on OB.Com 

July 1995 - Wood-tapping, "Whoop" heard, OB.Com

July 1995 - White creature seen in sewage stream near Willamette (town), OB.Com

July 1995 - Broken trees found at Table Rock Road, OB.Com

September 1995 - Mountain Bikers smell bad smell in Molalla River area, Have sighting, OB.Com

October 1995 - Man describes two incidents in the Collowash, Clackamas area, OB.Com

October 1995 - Man casts a Bigfoot track near Table Rock, OB.Com

November 1995 (Class A) - A bow hunter reports an encounter around dusk in the woods off Hunter Road, BFRO also on OB.Com

November 1995 - Bigfoot stares at campers, OB.Com

November 1995 - Orey's encounter at MRS, OB.Com

1995 - Multiple sightings on Porter Road near Molalla, OB.Com

1995 - Man charged by 7 1/2` Bigfoot after shooting a buck near Colton, OB.Com

January 1996 - Vocalizations at Molalla River from Copper Creek direction,

March 1996 - Couple hears screams, sees weird lights near Copper Creek, OB.Com

June 1996 - Photographer smells a bad odor in the Molalla River area, OB.Com

July 1996 - Man hears noises near bridge, OB.Com

October 1996 - Man sees 2 creatures near Goat Mt., Clear Lake Trail, OB.Com

October 1996 - Couple sees white Bigfoot which leaves deformed tracks near Estacada, OB.Com

1996 - Family has encounter with two creatures while camping at Molalla River, OB.Com

March 1997 - Hikers find three sets of fresh tracks on Fanton Trail, OB.Com

May 1997 (Class B) - Campers hear vocalizations near Timberline Lodge, BFRO also on OB.Com

May 1997 - Man sees Bigfoot wading across Molalla River, OB.Com

November 1997 - Couple find rock stack at Deadhorse Canyon Trail, OB.Com

1997 - Man hears loud screams at Molalla River site, OB.Com

January 1998 - A logger reports finding a domed "hut" next to Camp Creek, OB.Com

March 1998 - 18" track found at Goat Mountain, OB.Com

March 1998 - Woman find track in flowerbed near George, OB.Com

March 1998 - Coon Ridge near Squaw Mountain, man finds 4 toed track in snow, OB.Com

April 1998 - Bigfoot "bed" and possible tracks in duff found, OB.Com

April 1998 - At Molalla River site man hears chest beating, OB.Com

July 1998 - Bigfoot print in asphalt at Silver Fall State Park, OB.Com 

August 1998 - Fishermen locate tracks along Roaring River, OB.Com

August 1998 - Hikers see black figure near Mother Load Mountain, OB.Com

September 1998 - Orey tries different "vocal" baits, OB.Com 

Late 1990's - Bigfoot walks by truck full of hunters, GCBRO also on OB.Com

1998 - Teens see dark figures near park in area of ongoing activity, OB.Com 

February 1999 - Tracks found going up road at Indian Henry Campground near Estacada, OB.Com

February 1999 - near RippleBrook, trees bent to make hut, Tracks found, OB.Com

June 2000 (Class B) - 16 year old has strange experience walking home, BFRO also on OB.Com

July 2000 (Class B) - Unusual vocalization heard near Sandy, BFRO also on OB.Com

2000/2001 - Campers encounter something running through campsite, OB.Com 

February 2001 - near Ripplebrook a red haired creature runs across road, OB.Com

March 2001 - Fish Creek, Campers hears noises, smell "skunky" smell, OB.Com

March 2001 - Man sees trackway coming straight down the mountain through his binoculars, OB.Com

March 2001 (Class B) - Hikers make track find on Table Rock Creek, Oregon, BFRO also on OB.Com

August 2001 - During an investigation 2 people hear 2 roars above Molalla River, OB.Com

August 2001 - Campers see creature near tent, OB.Com

November 2001 (Class A) - Oregon resident near Mt. Hood catches glimpse of a bigfoot in his neighborhood, BFRO also on OB.Com

December 2001 - Odd smell, splashing in lake, OB.Com

2001 - Teens out for a drive sees a tall, bulky, dark figure walking through a field, OB.Com

February 2002 - On Goat Mt. - Bigfoot pushes tree over on campfire, OB.Com

February 2002 - Investigations yield large impressions in snow on Poopanelly Creek near Molalla River, OB.Com

2002 - Tracks in snow found near Squaw Lake, OB.Com

February 2003 (Class B) - Possible approach to a property on the edge of the Salmon Huckleberry Wilderness, BFRO

October 2003 - Rockhound has sighting, is followed out of woods by creature, OB.Com

November 2003 - Shadowy figure, high-pitched squeal outside residence, OB.Com

2003 - Motorcyclist sees large black creature near roadkill, OB.Com

January 2004 - Teens out wandering around bored, hear creature squeal, chased into building, OB.Com

April 2004 - Hunter hears strange cry, sees creature, OB.Com

June 2004 - Birdlike calls heard throughout the night, OB.Com

June 2004 (Class B) - Night time calls and footprints witnessed by several people northeast of Colton off Highway 211, BFRO

September 2004 (Class B) - Campers are greeted by tree-shaking display in afternoon near Molalla River, BFRO

February 2005 - Teens believe they are followed near the Sandy River, OB.Com

February 2005 - Girl hears howls at family residence, OB.Com

December 2005 - Vocalizations heard near residence, OB.Com

May 2006 - Man in his camp, hears two Sasquatch calling to each other, OB.Com

June 2006 - Resident hears thuds outside, strange calls, OB.Com

July 2006 - Firefighter sees creature several times while fighting a forest fire, OB.Com

December 2007 - Long, loud moan heard throughout mountains near Mount Hood, OB.Com

August 2008 (Class A) - Four campers have nighttime visitation and then a visual observation of a sasquatch near Estacada, BFRO

August 2008 (Class A) - Motorists see an ape run across Hwy 26 near dusk outside of Rhododendron, BFRO

August 2008 - Hikers hear a strange vocalization near an abandoned mine, OB.Com

October 2008 - Fisherman hears rocks banging together and smells foul odor, OB.Com

November 2008/2009 - Man and woman hear strange growls, OB.Com

January 2009 - Colton man hears screams in the night, OB.Com

July 2009 - "Cry" heard by man resting at Trillium Lake paring lot, OB.Com

August 2009 (Class B) - Campers making animal noises in forest experience booming screams in reply, BFRO

August 2009 (Class B) - Campers experience powerful screams at remote campsite, BFRO

September 2009 - Woman believes she was followed by Bigfoot to restrooms, OB.Com

September 2009 - Vocalization heard near Thunder Mountain,

February 2010 - Family hears screams in the night,

May 2010 - Pre-dawn screams heard and tracks found east of Estacada, OB.Com

November 2010 - Man smells very pungent and musky odor, OB.Com

May 2011 - Forest workers hear vocalization, OB.Com

August 2011 - Campers hear rock clacking and wood knocking at lake, OB.Com

February 2012 - Family find large prints on their farm, OB.Com

October 2012 - Resident hears vocals, rocks thrown while fishing, OB.Com

November 2012 - Men near Rhododendron camping, fishing hear commotion, see Bigfoot, OB.Com

July 2013 (Class B) - Possible activity experienced by campers at a popular campground in the Mount Hood National Forest, BFRO

September 2013 - Campers near Estacada urged to leave via flying rocks, knocks, OB.Com

September 2013 (Class B) - Campers hear possible vocalization just outside their tent in Mt. Hood National Forest, BFRO

June 2014 (Class B) - Five men hear tree knocks, and begin exchange of vocalizations and taps while on an expedition near Estacada, BFRO

April 2015 - Husband and wife hear vocalizations, OB.Com

June 2015 - Rural resident neat Oregon City notices something large and upright crossing field,

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