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Hood River County

Summer 1968 (Class B) - Nighttime encounter by a worker at a logging site, BFRO

October 1970 (Class A) - Graceful creature ran by man when he was 15, BFRO

October 1974 (Class B) - Deer hunters find footprints near Wahtum Lake, BFRO

December 1975 (Class A) - Creature seen crossing in front of witnesses car, BFRO

July 1980 (Class B) - Boys hear moaning call from bedroom window, BFRO

1982 (Class A) - Daylight sighting by horseback rider below Bald Butte, Mt. Hood zone, BFRO

August 1982 (Class A) - Vocalizations heard; hairy bipedal creature observed, BFRO

August 1986 (Class A) - One eight-footer and one three-footer seen by witness, BFRO

July 1994-96 (Class B) - Daytime sighting by young camper at Lost Lake, BFRO

September 1996 (Class B) - Bow hunter has sighting near Little Boulder Lk. Mt. Hood Nat. Forest, OR, BFRO

September 2001 (Class A) - Couple has fleeting, afternoon encounter near Barlow Pass, BFRO

September 2002 (Class A) - Hiker sees, attempts to photograph a sasquatch in the Columbia Gorge, BFRO

April 2001 (Class B) - Hikers hear possible vocalizations near Cascade Locks along the Columbia River, BFRO

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