Elk Mound
Bigfoot Research Center

Josephine County
August 1963 - Quartz Creek, Family saw Bigfoot on 3 weekend trips, OB.Com
July 1966 - Friends fishing encounter "huge tall hairy thing" on path to camp, OB.Com
January 1973 - Bigfoot steps into the path of a logging truck, OB.Com
July 1975 (Class A) - Daytime sighting by swimmers in Wolf Creek area, BFRO
October 1975 (Class A) - Young hunter sees and hears a Sasquatch near Applegate, BFRO
July 1976 - Man hitch-hiking has close encounter with a Sasquatch, OB.Com
July 1976 - Hitchhiker has terrifying encounter on I-5 near Grants Pass, OB.Com
September 1976-77 (Class A) - Young witness has encounter during thunderstorm near Cave Junction, BFRO
July 1978 (Class B) - Two young campers have frightful, dawn encounter near Cave Junction, BFRO
Fall 1978 (Class B) - So. Oregon man hears late night footsteps around mobile home, by Jump-off Joe Creek Rd. near Grants Pass, BFRO also on OB.Com
August 1980 - 13 year old boy sees creature near Grants Pass, OB.Com
June 1984 - Whistles heard at Quartz Creek, OB.Com
1985 - Secondhand story of bear being chased by Bigfoot, OB.Com
1985 - 1988 - Impressions found, one with baby porcupine squished in it, near Fish Lake, OB.Com
September 1986 - Wild land firefighter has encounter while surveying water source, OB.Com
1991 - Man finds twisted trees on upper Rogue River, OB.Com
August 1994 - Teen startled by snacking Bigfoot up Picket Creek, OB.Com
November 1996 (Class A) - Ex-Military Police Officer encounters large animal on farm, BFRO also on OB.Com
November 1997 - Tracks found in snow on road near Murphy, OB.Com
August 1998 - Couple hears scream and branches breaking, OB.Com
October 1999 - Campers see large, black hairy creature walk in front of headlights at campsite, OB.Com
April 2000 - Son smells strong odor while 4-wheeling near Grants Pass, OB.Com
July 2000 (Class A) - Oregon psychologist observes a creature resembling Bigfoot about 60 feet away while hiking on a trail with his family, BFRO also on OB.Com
July 2000 (Class B) - Couple hears repetitive calls near Oregon Caves, BFRO
June 2001 - Miners experience very powerful screams around Althouse Creek Road, OB.Com
August 2001 - Man sees creature laying in fetal position in road, Another runs by and grabs it, OB.Com
July 2002 (Class A) - Sasquatch walks across road near major forest fire, BFRO
July 2002 - Dogs react to odor outside witnesses house, OB.Com
April 2004 - Man encountered Sasquatch while 4x4 in the woods, OB.Com
October 2004 - Creature seen on deck through windows, OB.Com
Spring 2005 (Class B) - Hiker reports possible vocalizations near Oregon Caves, BFRO
June 2005 (Class A) - Witness sees biped leaving her yard, BFRO
July 2005 - Couple experience strong smell near Galice, OB.Com
September 2005 - Witness experienced strong smells around Lake Tannin, OB.Com
June 2006 - Man searching for Bigfoot sees one, OB.Com
August 2006 (Class B) - Father and son hear strange sounds while camping near Oregon Caves, BFRO also on OB.Com
Winter 2006 (Class A) - Daylight sighting by mother and daughter at the Illinois River outside Cave Junction, BFRO
Summer 2008 (Class B) - Possible knocking heard by husband and wife while camping on their gold claim in Fiddler Gulch, BFRO
September 2008 - Campers at Lake Selmac experience smells, yells and heavy footsteps, OB.Com
September 2010 - Man and neighbors hear calls in the night 2 nights in a row, OB.Com
October 2010 (Class A) - Early morning sighting by a deer hunter near Hugo, BFRO
July 2012 - Tree knocks, rock thrown off Caves Highway, OB.Com
September 2014 - Man and girlfriend had heavy footsteps around camp, OB.Com