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Elk Mound
Bigfoot Research Center

Kosciusko County
April 1970 - Couple see creature in behind car, IBRO
1972 - Unknown/Unexplained Scream Report, GCBRO
Late 1970's early 1980's - Two Teens Watch Black Bigfoot Pull Up Corn, GCBRO
Late August/Early September - 1992/1993 - Creature seen while driving, IBRO
June 1995 - Creature seen up close while camping, IBRO
July 2002 - Walking sound heard, IBRO
2002 - 8 foot tall human like gorilla, GCBRO
October 2003 - Creature runs by witness, OB.Com
October 2003 (Class A) - Youths have nighttime sighting near North Webster, BFRO also on GCBRO and IBRO
April 2004 (Class A) - Motorist has daylight sighting of two animals east of Waubee Lake, BFRO also on GCBRO and IBRO
Late September/Early October 2005 - Creature seen while driving, IBRO
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