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Mercer County

Mid 1970's - Growls heard and eyes seen while hunting, GCBRO

October 1978 or 79 (Class A) - Memory told of a close daylight encounter behind a home outside Sandy Lake, BFRO

Fall 1984 (Class A) - Another encounter near Rt. 358 and Hell's Hollow Road, outside Greenville, BFRO

Fall 86/88 (Class A) - Sightings by a hunter west of Greenville, in the woods near Hell's Hollow Rd. and Rt. 358, BFRO

November 2001 (Class A) - Motorist and passenger catch glimpse of humanlike figure crossing the road, BFRO

October 2012 (Class B) - Bow hunter recovering deer has possible experience near Grove City, BFRO

August 2015 (Class A) - Early evening sighting by a motorist traveling on I-79 near Grove City, BFRO

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