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Morris County

May 1983 (Class B) - Man recalls incident during childhood -- possible vocalizaitons near Split Rock Reservoir Dam, BFRO

April 2003 (Class B) - Man sees tall dark silhouette in Rockaway Township swamp, BFRO

April 2005 (Class A) - Group observes animal in daylight, one mile from Federal Hill near Riverdale, BFRO

March 2006 (Class B) - Possible Wood Knock Interaction at Wildcat Ridge near Rockaway, BFRO

October 2008 (Class B) - Possible wood knocks heard near Hibernia Bat Cave/Wildcat Ridge in Rockaway, BFRO

April 2011 (Class A) - Afternoon sighting while hiking at Mahlon Dickerson Reservation, BFRO

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