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Elk Mound
Bigfoot Research Center

Payne County
70's & 80's - Mother Bigfoot Seen Catching Fish for her Young, GCBRO
Fall 1979 - Couple See Bigfoot, GCBRO
1985 - Partygoers see Bigfoot, GCBRO
August 1986 - Weird happenings around creek area, GCBRO
September 1989 - Red/Orange glowing eyes see by four, GCBRO
November 1996-1997 (Class A) - Man has close moonlit encounter, BFRO
Winter 1997 (Class A) - Rural family's dog chases young sasquatch, BFRO
January 2009 (Class B) - Strange occurrences experienced by a family on their property outside Yale, BFRO
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