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Volusia County

1974/1975 - Something seen while camping, GCBRO

July 1976 - Woman sees Skunk Ape beside road picking something up, OB.Com

May 1985 (Class A) - Women recall an afternoon road crossing near Bulow Park, BFRO

Spring 1989 (Class A) - Sighting by two newspaper deliverymen around 3:30 a.m., BFRO

September 1993 - Brief sighting of creature walking away, OB.Com

October 1998 & 1999 (Class B) - 1. loud vocalization sounds woke sleeping couple. 2. family dog found injured, BFRO

June 2001 (Class B) - Large humanoid figure seen at night near beach, BFRO

May 2005 (Class B) - Possible intimidation behavior experienced while shining for alligators in Ormond Beach, BFRO

May 2007 (Class B) - Motorist spots a tall unknown figure crossing Walter Boardman Loop, BFRO

October 2007 (Class B) - Late night fishermen are intimidated at Bulow Creek State Park, BFRO

October 2011 (Class A) - Late afternoon sighting by a hog hunter outside Pierson, BFRO

May 2012 (Class B) - Possible sighting and footprints found by father and son while setting turtle lines outside Deltona, BFRO

July 2012 (Class B) - Possible nighttime sighting brings about ongoing investigation of several Cassadaga incidents and legend of the "Mole Man", BFRO

February 2013 (Class B) - More possible activity from the "Mole Man" at Lake Helen, BFRO

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