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Sarasota County

August 1981 (Class A) - Youths have daylight sighting in wooded area of Sarasota, BFRO

Summer 1988 (Class A) - Daylight sighting by fishermen near Venice, BFRO

March 1995 - Bed found, Horrible smell and creature seen, GCBRO

1995 - Boys see something near lake, Throws rock, Has rock thrown back at them, OB.Com

Summer 1999 (Class B) - Husband and wife hear early morning vocalizations near back of Myakka State Park, BFRO

December 2012 (Class B) - Passenger on I-75 spots a large animal near Myakka State Park, BFRO

September 2014 (Class A) - Bigfoot crosses SR-72 directly in front a vehicle west of Arcadia and just outside Myakka River State Park, BFRO

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